How to rest effectively after long hours of work?
What are the secrets to maintaining a positive mindset?
How to stay calm under immense pressure?
How to rest effectively after long hours of work?
What are the secrets to maintaining a positive mindset?
How to stay calm under immense pressure?
属性 | 说明 | 类型 | 默认值 | 版本 |
avatar | 展示头像 | React.ReactNode | - | |
classNames | 语义化结构 class | Record<SemanticDOM, string> | - | |
content | 聊天内容 | string | - | |
footer | 底部内容 | React.ReactNode | - | |
header | 头部内容 | React.ReactNode | - | |
loading | 聊天内容加载状态 | boolean | - | |
placement | 信息位置 | start | end | start | |
shape | 气泡形状 | round | corner | - | |
styles | 语义化结构 style | Record<SemanticDOM, CSSProperties> | - | |
typing | 设置聊天内容打字动画 | boolean | { step?: number, interval?: number } | false | |
variant | 气泡样式变体 | filled | borderless | outlined | shadow | filled | |
loadingRender | 自定义渲染加载态内容 | () => ReactNode | - | |
messageRender | 自定义渲染内容 | (content?: string) => ReactNode | - | |
onTypingComplete | 打字效果完成时的回调,如果没有设置 typing 将在渲染时立刻触发 | () => void | - |
属性 | 说明 | 类型 | 默认值 | 版本 |
autoScroll | 当内容更新时,自动滚动到最新位置。如果用户滚动,则会暂停自动滚动。 | boolean | true | |
items | 气泡数据列表 | (BubbleProps & { key?: string | number, role?: string })[] | - | |
roles | 设置气泡默认属性,items 中的 role 会进行自动对应 | Record<string, BubbleProps> | (bubble, index) => BubbleProps | - |